Wednesday, April 25, 2007

True Work

The origin of the word is negative. In Greek, it means pain and suffering. In German, it relates to the heavy labor orphans need to do to survive. The Japanese have three synonyms associated with it - painful, dirty and dangerous.

Almost always, we hear it used like this: "Hey, I'd love to join you for that fun thing, but unfortunately ... I have to work."

Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, we're going to look deeply at human work. What it is, what it could be, and especially what it is in fact becoming through the practical experience of a number of us here in Brazil who are working with a new type of business organization and structure.

I'm very excited about this program because I feel that this is one aspect of human social life that we need to improve. And fast! And as we'll stress in this Podcast, this new way of structuring work and companies is here.

A number of us here are having tremendous success in developing Trilogical Enterprises based on Dr. Norberto Keppe's ideas and practical experience. He has outlined these ideas in a very influential book called Liberation of the People.

I sat down with Dr. Claudia Pacheco the other day to talk about business and society and the enormously important field of human work. As always, I found myself intrigued, enchanted and even, dare I say it, excited about Keppe's Trilogical perspective on work, as articulated so well by Dr. Pacheco in this Podcast.

Click here to download this episode.
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Click here to read more about Trilogical Enterprises.


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