Look all around you and you'll see the rapidly mounting evidence of a society in deep trouble. Lurking environmental disaster, a pending recession, skyrocketing depression and suicide rates. Human society as its currently organized is at a dead-end. Time to admit it ... if we continue like this, we're done for. Now ... what do we do about it?
Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, Therapy to Heal Society.
For any of you, and I know there are many, who look around you and wonder, "What has gone so terribly wrong?", this program will come as a great relief. There are some practical tools that can be used to treat the inverted and even perverse social and psychological conditions in the world today. Thanks to the work of psychoanalyst and social scientist, Norberto Keppe, we can now say definitively that the source of our problems is clear. Human beings, out of their enormous envy, have inverted their values and elaborated an inverted society as a result. And then, on top of that, we censor perception of our envy and inversion and pretend that we are the masters of our own destiny and that we can solve all problems ourselves given enough time and money. But it will never work.
In his extraordinary book about disinverting economics, Work and Capital, Keppe says, "The human being becomes ill as a result of his anger toward light, toward consciousness. He prefers to live in darkness, far removed from any perception. This is what causes his illnesses and all of the problems that beset humanity. At the same time that his intention is to know, he opposes knowledge entirely - and in the struggle leaves strewn along the way the ruins of a life spent battling against the truth."
Se we are missing something fundamental. Human beings, in an incomplete, materialistic way, keep looking for superficial solutions - introduce this legislation, save that species, speak out about globalization and the corruption world trading agreements cause to the democratic process. And while all these may be necessary, they must be done in tandem with addressing our deep metaphysical crisis - we are turned against God ... and even our own existence.
We are addressing this consistently in these radio programs, and have plans to expand this. We want to create a new community of Thinking with Somebody Else's Head listeners to consider these problems in society and what we might do about them. The BrainFood Community is what we're calling it (and thanks to listener Ludmilla Ducaneaux from Holland for the inspiration), so make sure you are on the advisory list for that so I can let you know more about it. rich@richjonesvoice.com
You know, we are receiving a lot of interest from around the world for people to come here to our International Society of Analytical Trilogy to study and learn how Keppe's scientific discoveries can be applied to helping in all areas of society. That's our topic today.
Click here to listen to this episode.
Tags: psychoanalysis of society, environmental solutions, social activism
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