
Friday, January 25, 2008

Social Activism and Solutions

What do do when we're faced with so many obvious problems in society? Some resort to drugs and alcohol to block it out. Others become depressed and even suicidal. Some turn on the TV or spend more time at the gym. Many of us just throw up our hands in despair.

But a few are looking for - and finding - solutions.

Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, Social Activism and Solutions.

This is, in a way, a follow-up to last week's program with Dr. Claudia Pacheco. She was talking there about society being on a dead-end street and how we have now reached some final conclusions about why that is - and how we can begin to treat this source problem. Dr. Norberto Keppe's work gives us the knowledge and tools to do just that. His science of psycho-socio-pathology helps us see why we are polluting and destroying and making so much war. Most activists focus on stopping those things - and that's, of course, necessary. But if we don't address the why we do that - which is in the human psyche - we'll be like the alcoholic who stops the alcohol, but replaces it with cocaine or sex or fanaticism.

Here in Brazil at Keppe's International Society of Analytical Trilogy, we're training people with the consciousness and psycho-socio tools to make a difference in their communities. To become psycho-socio-therapists. Imagine a journalist with the sufficient understanding of psycho-socio-pathology to be able to analyze world or local events through this combined scientific, philosophical, theological perspective that is tied to a universal reality of right, and justice, and goodness, and beauty and things like that. He or she would report on events in a completely different way than we see currently. Today, media, out of its fanatic adherence to a relativistic so-called "journalistic integrity" just throws all points of view together in one show or column and leaves you to pick up the pieces.

With an understanding of Keppe's work, the psycho-socio-journalist would understand a basic starting point - there is a universal reality of beauty, truth and goodness, and any deviation from that could be seen and analyzed by him or her much more clearly.

And that's just one area of action for psycho-socio-therapists! We'll be getting together July 4 - 6, 2008 here in Brazil to look at this science of psycho-socio-pathology, and this will be an excellent opportunity for you to start your training. Write me for more information:

Today, I'll talk with Per-Erik Persson, a human ecologist from Sweden who works with the Jak Members Bank - a no-interest loan bank in Sweden. Per-Erik has written a book about social activism amongst ceramics workers in Argentina.

Click here to listen to this episode.

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