Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Science of Inversion

Being upside down. Every kid loves that. Being hoisted up by the ankles and hanging there in your father's sure hands with your head where your feet should be.

It's great as a game, but none of us could imagine going through life that way.

But Norberto Keppe's discovery that humankind is inverted shows us how we are actually living life upside down. Not physically, but philosophically, emotionally and even spiritually.

We wage wars to find peace. Science considers apes to be our relatives. We consume billions in pharmaceuticals thinking that'll make us healthy.

And what's more, we accept these inversions as if they're workable approaches to living functioning lives. 

It's not an overstatement, then, to say that the discovery of Inversion is the most important scientific finding of the 20th century. Why it's not more widely known is a phenomenon we're trying to address on our STOP Radio Network with our slogan, "Disinverting the human being and society."

So, let's go at it again. The Science of Inversion, today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head.

Click here to listen to this episode.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Metaphysics and the Empty Promise of AI

Maybe, like me when I first moved to Brazil, you have the idea that metaphysics is a kind of woo-woo field of study. That part of the bookstore with titles like Find Your Soulmate through Channelling, or Unlocking Your Invisible Power.

True metaphysics, though, is a branch of philosophy that deals with what's beyond the physical. Those elusive subjects like being and knowing, action and potential. The Greeks knew a thing or two about that, but somewhere along the way, the science of things that transcended the physical got reduced to just the things.

Norberto Keppe, the Brazilian psychoanalyst and independent physics researcher, has worked tirelessly to restore a true study of metaphysics - those universals we got from a Creator. Returning us to a transcendental vision of humanity and putting us in touch with God and Creation.

We'll look at that today. Metaphysics and the Empty Promise of AI, today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head.

Click here to listen to this program.