
Tuesday, May 02, 2017

True Co-Creation

I was walking down the streets of Vancouver a number of years ago after I'd been living away from the west coast for some time, and I bumped into an old acquaintance of mine in Kitsilano, the old hippy neighbourhood in the '70s.

"What are you doing these days?" I asked her. "Channeling yoga," came back the straight-faced reply.

Well, she was always a little out there, but it leads into what I wanted to talk about today. The field of spiritual growth has exploded over the past 50 years, maybe beginning with the Beatles and their Maharishi experience in India in the '60s. But it's a market with a lot of choices. From the more traditional, like church and prayer, to the more trendy, like Buddhism and meditation, to the downright weird, like, well, channeling yoga.

What to make of it all? In Dr. Norberto Keppe's Analytical Trilogy, he's united theology back into science to give us a more wholistic view. And that means some universal principles. True Co-Creation, today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head.

Click here to listen to this episode.

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