
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Consciousness for a Conscious Planet

A conscious planet ... wow, is that ever needed right now. I know many people are feeling that something's just not right in our world today, but don't know how to characterize this general malaise they feel any more than that. Our program is trying to address that ... indeed, Dr. Norberto Keppe's science of Analytical Trilogy has been shedding the light on what's gone so wrong for over 50 years now. Either we're slow learners, or we've really been avoiding the consciousness he brings.

So, no more avoiding. Understanding how humanity painted itself so tightly into this corner is here in our program today, along with some hope for a way out. Or at the very least, how to cope with the difficulties and offer a hand out to those in more serious need.

First in our program today, Susan Berkley with some thoughts on modern Judaism here shortly after the Jewish New Year, along with some thoughts on the Occupy Wall Street protest movement. Then Claudia Bernhardt Pacheco with her perspectives from a lifetime career as a psychoanalyst on what's gone so wrong, and how to fix it.

Consciousness for a Conscious Planet, today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head.

Click here to listen to this episode.

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