
Friday, July 01, 2011

Decay in the Land of Plenty

We are living in the best of times for social activism. Norberto Keppe’s science of Analytical Trilogy contains priceless perspectives on any number of important themes for all concerned citizens. And knowing this puts us in a much better position to work for change. Without his science, we end up just criticizing, or worse, replacing corrupt systems and people with even worse situations because we didn’t understand more deeply what was going on – as happened with the French Revolution where the nobility was replaced by the even worse financial/economic power structure.

As Keppe writes, “Our task today is to disinvert the position of humanity, which is now at the service of the individual interests of a few thousand people, meaning that the rest of us cannot work for our own benefit. We’ve organized a senseless social system within which we’re all forced to live. From the time we’re born, we are confined in an inhuman social framework that increases our psychological tension to the extreme.”

With the perspectives brought by Analytical Trilogy, it is now possible once and for all to put a stop to the powerful and begin living in harmony with what we are in essence.

Today, we’ll look at all of that by considering the decay that lurks in the land of plenty.

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