
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Truth and Reconciliation, Analytical Trilogy Style

Bin Laden's death. A major victory by the good guys over the bad guys? Or an inverted celebration based on a false sense of unity? We make a strong argument for the latter this week on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head. You see, when the celebration fades away, the real problems will appear again. The economy, the growing gap between the poor and the extremely rich, the scandalous profits made by pharmaceutical companies that poison us with unnecessary medicines, the millions in drug cartel money laundered by the U.S. banking system ... those are the real dangers facing America, not some obscure Al Qaeda terrorist network hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan.
And these real problems we're not addressing. There are enormous dangers of using outside scapegoats to mask our deep societal problems, and we'll explore all that on this week's program with Claudia Bernhardt Pacheco.

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