
Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Dream of the Americas

It's a dream almost as old as mankind. A yearning for a return to a golden time. A flowering of all that is magnificent in the human soul. All religions guard the prophecy. Philosophies centuries of years old carry whispers of it in their writings. A time we lost once ... but are on the verge of recovering.

If, that is, we human beings solve our problems.

Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, The Dream of the Americas.

Our subject today is a beautiful one. An esoteric topic that we almost never hear about. But it's a story that has been carried forth for centuries. In the words of my guest today, a dream that's been passed like a torch from hand to hand by idealists throughout history. Told in stories to children huddled around fires, and fueled by passions that have shaped history.

One day, the legends tell us, we will reach a much cherished golden age, "A new Jerusalem," as William Blake called it. "A promised land of inconceivable riches," as the Italian saint, Dom Bosco coined it.

Norberto Keppe, whose work I base this program on, would say that paradise exists now, as it always has, and that only our psycho-socio-pathology stops it from appearing. A psycho-socio-pathology, by the way, that he has developed a scientific methodology to treat. With the purpose of, as he said recently, "to lead the human being back to the goodness for which he was created by helping him become conscious of the wrong path he has chosen so that he might return to the right path."

Keppe's beautiful work - his life's work - will be discussed deeply and comprehensively at our World Conference of Analytical Trilogy this coming Sept. 24 - 27, 2008 in San Diego. Complete information on that is available at Or by writing me at

A few years ago, Dr. Claudia Pacheco, vice-president of Keppe's International Society of Analytical Trilogy here in São Paulo, wrote an extraordinary book - The Secret History of Brazil - a product of a lifetime's interest and research in the movements of history destined to re-establish the Kingdom of God on Earth.

This research revealed a deep link between the Americas and the lost tribes of Israel. And she discovered that the dream of all humanity for a time of peace and prosperity - the 3rd Millennium, the Fifth Empire, call it what you will - had never died. And were alive today.

Dr. Pacheco joins me today.

Click here to listen to this episode.

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