
Thursday, May 10, 2007

An Analysis of Depression

The Australian government states that all of us will be affected by it at some time in our lives. By 2020, it's estimated it will be the second largest killer after heart disease. Ominously, pre-schoolers are the fastest-growing market for medication to treat it. Cases are rising fast ... and we're pretty much baffled about how to treat it.

Until now.

Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, in the aftermath of Virginia Tech, let's take another look at depression.

First, I'd like to let you know that I still have copies of Dr. Norberto Keppe's book, Liberation of the People: The Pathology of Power, to give away. If you've been listening regularly to this Podcast, you'll know that it is totally based on this Austrian-Brazilian psychoanalyst's extraordinary work. If you're tuning in for the first time, you're in for a real treat. Keppe has developed a perspective of the human psyche and the society that's been created from it, that can allow us to understand what's gone so wrong in all areas of human function - from education to health to science to politics. It's a phenomenal and essential body of work for us to study and implement. And his book, Liberation of the People, is an excellent start in understanding his expansive vision. E-mail me at if you'd like a copy, and I'll make sure you get one.

Now, depression. Anyone who's suffered its debilitating effects knows how paralyzing it can be. It makes everything more difficult: work, relationships, creativity. At its worst, it can make even getting up in the morning or going to the corner store to buy some milk seemingly impossible tasks. Let's understand it better.

Dr. Claudia Pacheco wrote an extraordinary book in the early 1980s that was a pioneering book exploring the link between our psyches and our health. She's a frequent contributor to Thinking with Somebody Else's Head because she's been working closely at Keppe's side for well over twenty years. Today, we'll get deeply into an analysis of depression.

Click here to listen to this episode.


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