
Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Mind and the Immune System

It's a dangerous world out there. Viruses are poised to attck us if we're unlucky enough to choose the wrong sexual partner. There are dangerous hormones in the meat. Chemically ripened bananas. And don't even mention the perils lurking in a microwaved potato!

What's to ge done? Well, as always, it appears our solution lies between our ears. Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, we'll look at our minds and our immune systems.

First, an exciting announcement. We're going to be convening an international congress on Norberto Keppe's science - Analytical Trilogy - in March of 2008. Start planning now if you're interested in attending. We'll be analyzing all areas of human activity - from medicine to art to science to sociopathology to economics and more - through Keppe's discoveries. It will be fascinating and revolutionary. And very positive in terms of giving you some real perspectives on the root causes of what's going so wrong in our society and how we can fix it. Write me if you'd like any more information on this:

Cesar Sóos is working very closesly with Dr. Claudia Pacheco and Dr. Roberto Giraldo in our very exciting Integral Psychosomatic clinic here in São Paulo. You've heard from him many times on this Podcast. Dr. Keppe said recently on his TV program that illness appears because the person's immune system loses force because of something internal, and when this happens, anything causes imbalance. That's the starting place for our very provocative discussion today.

Click here to listen to this episode.


Friday, May 18, 2007

Stress and Inversion

Everywhere we look, the world's getting more difficult. There's traffic and pollution. Cell phones ringing day and night. We've got global warming, and terror alerts. Disappearing bees and school shootings. The drug companies push medication on us relentlessly through a medical system that's been corrupted by money and brainwashing. How do we cope with all this stress?

Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, I'd like to look at a psychological condition that, if we understand it better, can truly change how we approach everything - from science and politics, to human relationships and even society's laws. This is the process of psychological Inversion that Norberto Keppe discovered in his clinical research over the past fifty years.

Simply put, Inversion is the process whereby we see everything upside down. For instance, we see money as more important than work - so a corporation can lay off 20,000 employees and see its stock price jump in value. We think disease comes from bacteria and viruses, rather than that it primarily comes from a loss in inner force because of our psychological states of mind. We think it's a jungle out there and live our lives accordingly.

This is a large topic becasue our Inversion of values and priorities is everywhere. We've talked about it in many ways already on this Podcast - related to money and power, and even quantum physics and reality, which are quite different when seen through non-inverted eyes.

Today, I want to focus our sights on stress. Have a listen and let me know what you think:

Sofie Bergqvist is a Swedish teacher and international lecturer and seminar leader who's been studying and working at Norberto Keppe's International Society of Analytical Trilogy for over ten years. She joins me today.

Click here to listen to this episode.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

An Analysis of Depression

The Australian government states that all of us will be affected by it at some time in our lives. By 2020, it's estimated it will be the second largest killer after heart disease. Ominously, pre-schoolers are the fastest-growing market for medication to treat it. Cases are rising fast ... and we're pretty much baffled about how to treat it.

Until now.

Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, in the aftermath of Virginia Tech, let's take another look at depression.

First, I'd like to let you know that I still have copies of Dr. Norberto Keppe's book, Liberation of the People: The Pathology of Power, to give away. If you've been listening regularly to this Podcast, you'll know that it is totally based on this Austrian-Brazilian psychoanalyst's extraordinary work. If you're tuning in for the first time, you're in for a real treat. Keppe has developed a perspective of the human psyche and the society that's been created from it, that can allow us to understand what's gone so wrong in all areas of human function - from education to health to science to politics. It's a phenomenal and essential body of work for us to study and implement. And his book, Liberation of the People, is an excellent start in understanding his expansive vision. E-mail me at if you'd like a copy, and I'll make sure you get one.

Now, depression. Anyone who's suffered its debilitating effects knows how paralyzing it can be. It makes everything more difficult: work, relationships, creativity. At its worst, it can make even getting up in the morning or going to the corner store to buy some milk seemingly impossible tasks. Let's understand it better.

Dr. Claudia Pacheco wrote an extraordinary book in the early 1980s that was a pioneering book exploring the link between our psyches and our health. She's a frequent contributor to Thinking with Somebody Else's Head because she's been working closely at Keppe's side for well over twenty years. Today, we'll get deeply into an analysis of depression.

Click here to listen to this episode.
