
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Looking After Our Eternal Assets

As we head into Christmas, we often take time to reflect on friends and family, on hopes and dreams, on plans and logistics. After all, we've got the trips to hometowns, the Christmas gift buying, the parking lot congestion to navigate. It's a time to reflect on what's happened, and how fast it's all gone by.

And in those times, we need the wisdom and dedication to commit our efforts to doing what's necessary, what we were put on this earth to do in this short time we've been granted on this planet.

But above all that, and widely forgotten in our modern, materialistic age, is the true reason for the celebration - the virgin birth that marks our western world. For believers or not, the undeniable fact remains that our civilization was, and is, formed by adherence to those Christian values that He brought a couple of millennia ago. Justice, tolerance, forgiveness, love for one's neighbour ... these are the true values that we all desire. And that's what He came to remind us of.

Looking After Our Eternal Assets, today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head.

Click here to listen to this episode.