
Friday, October 26, 2007

Where is All the Free Energy

It's like something directly out of one of those B movies from the '50s. Radiant energy transmitters. Implosion/vortex machines. Cold fusion energy.

But a lot of this is already a reality. Yes, there's a lot going on in the search for alternative energy. And a whole lot more going on as to why we don't have it.

Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, Where in the World is all the Free Energy?

Our topic today is a broad one. It encompasses the inversion in science that causes us to look at matter as the source of energy an dso miss out on some more advanced technologies that were started, ironically, over 100 years ago. We'll also touch into the psychological sickness behind how that intriguing technology gets completely suffocated and blatantly denied us. (And a little hint here - the reasons go much deeper than just the maniacal hunt for profit that we normally point to as the culprit in this clear crime against humanity.)

This is a feature of psychoanalyst and social scientist, Norberto Keppe's, work actually. He has been able to develop a psychological science that provides a clear map of what's going on in the human psyche - for the first time in history - and which can also be applied to the structures and processes of society. After all, society is developed out of the belief structures and world views of the human beings that compose it, and so suffers from the same distortions and inversions that we do. (I think this applicability of psychological understanding to all of humankind's structures is unprecedented in history, and therefore of great value to we who are struggling to understand the world.

My guest today is engineer, Cesar Soos, a frequent contributor to this Podcast.

Click here to listen to this episode.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Altered States of Consciousness - The Truth Behind Illegal Drugs

They've been used for centuries as doorways to mystical experiences and new levels of consciousness. They've been injested to help escape the seemingly insupportable problems of everyday life. They've been tacitly encouraged by governments to assuage the misery of underpaid factory workers. Can there be any new dimensions to consider regarding drugs?

Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, Altered States of Consciousness: the Truth Behind Illegal Drugs.

First, thanks for all your emails and requests for Norberto Keppe's book on the pathology of power, something we'll be considering again a bit in today's program, since the world of drugs walks hand in hand with those who stroll the corridors of power. So I'll continue giving away Keppe's book this week because it directly analyzes through a keen psychological lens the sickness that exists in the human psyche ... and which is exacerbated in those who lust for power. Great reading. Just email me for your free copy of this landmark book,

Back in the mid 1980s, Claudia Pacheco was researching deeply into the connection between drug trafficking and power. She wasn't the only one writing about this, of course, but she was the first and only one to apply Keppe's psychological analysis to the area, and this lent her research an intellectual heft missing from other writers on the subject.

And because of this, her research had a bomb-like effect on the powerful. Actually, all of Keppe's work did. He and Claudia were finally arrested at the peak of their activities in the U.S. for trumped up customs charges (a fact Claudia mentions in this Podcast) right after the extraordinary campaign they'd been mounting for some years to try to make American conscious of the decadence their country was entering because of the very maliciously intentioned policy of Reagonomics. Reagan's policy was, incidentally, a disaster for the U.S. and the rest of the world who followed blindly along. And Keppe and Pacheco's research into the pathology of power led them directly to confront worldwide governmental involvement in many illegal activities - something Pacheco was writing about at the time. Interestingly, shortly after this period, Iran Contra broke out.

This is pretty incendiary stuff. And today, Claudia Pacheco joins us to look at this situation more closely and bring us up to date.

Click here to listen to this episode.


Friday, October 12, 2007

The Tyranny of Cool

Ask them about what's important to them and they'll parry your enthusiasm with a nonchalant shrug and a mumbled, "I don't know." You can predict it ... somewhere between kid-dom and adolescence, your child stops asking inquisitive questions and starts acting like everything you care about and they used to care about is now completely useless.

Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, The Tyranny of Cool. How can we understand - and help - our teenagers?

Listen, I know I'm dangerously close to sounding like every other person from the older generation here, lamenting the lost younger generation. But at the risk of sounding like every parent you've ever heard, I'm going to go out on a limb and propose that really, today, something is different with our teenagers. I'm open to the consideration that maybe it's just a matter of degree, but I think something is dreadfully wrong in the soul of our young people.

Of course, we can't separate that from the corruption in values we've witnessed in society, and that process has been aided and abetted by, among others, my generation, so I don't mean to separate myself from the problem and suggest, "Hey, we were wonderful, what the hell happened to you guys?" I have rather sobering memories of Mrs. Kent coming up to me in the halls after English Lit. class when I was surrounded by my basketball-loving friends and asking me embarrassingly, "Richard, wasn't Milton´s Paradise Lost wonderful today?" My response was not particularly full of gratitude and enthusiastic agreement.

So, it's always been somewhat this way. But I still maintain that the adolescents are in worse shape today.

Let's analyze this a little. Selma Genzani is one of the lead analysts at Norberto Keppe´s Integral Psychoanalysis clinic here in Brazil. She has vast experience with adults, children and, of course, teenagers.

Click here to listen to this episode.


Friday, October 05, 2007

Love and Relationships

We spend our entire lives in them, looking for them, or trying to extricate ourselves from them. Maybe we've read lots about them. Certainly we've discussed them, agonized over them, rued the day we ever got involved in them and celebrated them when they're going well.

But how much do we really know about the inner workings of ... our relationships.

Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, Dr. Claudia Pacheco and I will turn a magnifying glass on love and relationships. A popular subject on our Podcast.

First, don't forget our free book giveaway. Norberto Keppe, whose scientific philosophy underlies everything we do on this Podcast, has written a number of books that, if understood, would dramatically alter how we see ourselves and the world we live in. Keppe wrote a book about the pathology of power back in the 1980s that is still today the best, most precise and definitive critique of our so-called democracy and inverted economic system you'll ever read. It's one of the wisest and most pointed books about the sickness in our political and economic leaders and how this sickness is leading us to disaster. A must read. And it's free just by e-mailing me at

A number of months ago, I produced a couple of Podcasts with Dr. Claudia Pacheco on love and relationships. A listener recently listened to those, and wrote me a nice e-mail asking me if Claudia could answer some specific questions for her about the subject. Claudia agreed, and so ... here we are.

Click here to listen to this episode.
